Support ( string ) - check if the feature is supported.
string is the name of function/property or a platform-specific feature from the following list: (v.1.2) - MIDI IN supported midi.out (v.1.2) - Extenal MIDI OUT supported midi.synth (v.1.2) - Internal software synth supported (v.1.2) - Browser supports NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall() event.carbon (v.1.2 MacOSX) - Browser uses Carbon event model event.cocoa (v.1.2 MacOSX) - Browser uses Cocoa event model build.32bit (v.1.3) - Browser is running 32-bit version of the plugin build.64bit (v.1.3) - Browser is running 64-bit version of the plugin
Returns true or false.
Support () - returns the list of supported functions. (v.1.3 and later)
if(Jazz.Support("MidiOutRaw"){ use_MidiOutRaw();} else { use_MidiOutLong();} if(Jazz.Support("event.carbon") alert("Wow! That must be a really old browser!");