Map ASCII keyboard to MIDI notes. This module goes well with JZZ.input.Kbd.
See the demo...
JZZ.input.ASCII(map); // or JZZ.input.ASCII(name, map); // or JZZ.input.ASCII.register(name, map); JZZ().openMidiIn(name);
where map - is the mapping object that maps key names to MIDI values.
Key name can be a letter from A to Z, digit from 0 to 9, underscore '_', or any of the following characters:
' ', '+', '=', '-', '[', '{', ']', '}', '|', '\\', '`', '~', ';', ':', "'", '"', ',', '<', '.', '>', '/', '?' .
MIDI value can be either a number or a human-readable note name like 'C5', 'F#6', 'Bb4', etc...
Additional keys:
<script src='JZZ.js'></script> <script src='JZZ.input.Kbd.js'></script> ... <script><!-- // map the keys s d g h j // z x c v b n m to the first octave: JZZ.input.ASCII({ Z:'C5', S:'C#5', X:'D5', D:'D#5', C:'E5', V:'F5', G:'F#5', B:'G5', H:'Ab5', N:'A5', J:'Bb5', M:'B5' }).connect(JZZ().openMidiOut()); --></script>