Click the button above to hear the C-major chord.
This is the most basic example of how to play MIDI via Javascript.
See the same example implemented purely with Jazz-Plugin.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hello MIDI!</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="requiresActiveX=true"/> <script src="JZZ.js"></script> <script src="JZZ.synth.Tiny.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello MIDI!</h1> <script><!-- JZZ.synth.Tiny.register('Synth'); var port = JZZ().openMidiOut().or(function(){alert('Cannot open MIDI port!');}); function play(){ port.send([0x90,60,100]).send([0x90,64,100]).send([0x90,67,100]); } function stop(){ port.send([0x80,60,0]).send([0x80,64,0]).send([0x80,67,0]); } --></script> <button onmousedown='play();' onmouseup='stop();'> Press to play... </button> </body> </html>